16. August 2018
Do you like Puzzles, for which you need to use a lot of logic to solve them? If so, you will enjoy “Mathemechanic” by “Buckrider Studio” […]
12. August 2018
“The Commission: Organized Crime Grand Strategy” by “302 Interactive” is a strategy game for Steam, in which you “stake your claim on the city of New […]
29. July 2018
In the last three decades, I’ve played a lot of Space Shooters, from Asteroids to Starlost, but “Asteroid Survival 2095” from “DigitalDesignDev” still was a big […]
26. July 2018
“Soft kitty, warm kitty, Little ball of fur, Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, Purr, purr, purr.” Sheldon’s lullaby was the first thing that came to my mind, […]
22. July 2018
“The whole life is a quiz” is what the German comedian Hape Kerkeling sang in 1991 and it seems like nothing much has changed since then. […]