Lee vs the Asteroids Review
16. August 2018
Bad Monkey Review
20. August 2018
Lee vs the Asteroids Review
16. August 2018
Bad Monkey Review
20. August 2018

“Wormhole Physics are fun”. At least that’s what Megalomobile tell us on their Google Play Page of “Subspace Shortcuts“. Let’s check out this game to see if this statement is true or if it only applies to astrophysicists.

Subspace Shortcuts Screenshot

The information provided within the tutorial is easy to understand

I’m making a note here: Huge success

I think Megalomobile could maximize their downloads just by pointing out that their game is basically a mobile equivalent to Portal by Valve, the best game of all times (according to the most popular German PC magazine, and yes, they are probably right.). Subspace Shortcuts is nothing less than a great collection of puzzles, which you can only solve by shooting wormholes with your (invisible) portal gun to navigate your green space ball from A to B.

The complexity of those riddles is just right, the level design is rich in variety and with over 70 levels to master, this challenge is not about to end too fast.

A great gimmick is the opportunity to give a momentum to your green ball by steering it softly to the right direction. Also, the developers have created a level editor, where you can build your own puzzles. How cool is that?

Minor Flaws

The gameplay is impeccable, but there is a certain lack of attractiveness, that we can’t sweep under the carpet. The overall design looks a bit outdated (without the slightest retro touch) and choosing the ugliest font ever for some of the text boxes wasn’t a smart move either.

Apart from that, there’s really nothing much to criticize, only a few things that we could wish for, I guess. Like a global leaderboard, where you can compare your stats with people from all over the world. Or maybe the opportunity to play the game in portrait mode, as I don’t see why there are two hands needed to play it.

As you can see: Nothing much, just minor flaws, but still some room for improvement.

Subspace Shortcuts Gameplay

Subspace Shortcuts Gameplay

What we love about “Subspace Shortcuts”

  • Great Puzzles
  • Many Levels
  • Level Editor

What we’d like to see in the next update

  • Better Design
  • Global Leaderboard
  • Portraid Mode

The Verdict

“Subspace Shortcuts” is a great Portal-like game for Android, that you should definitely download to your device. Also, please give it a 5-star rating if you like it. I usually don’t ask for this, but seeing this game with currently 2.6 stars is a shame and doesn’t reflect its quality at all.

All pictures are in-game screenshots.

Frederik Schrader
Fred is the founder and CEO of Daikon Media and has 7+ years experience in the online and gaming business.

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