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Monkeys throwing poop is really a thing. It’s neither based on urban myths or staged videos to amuse the net community. Moreover, scientists from the Leipzig University found out that all throwing activities (no matter if it’s feces or not) are associated with high intelligence as its a “crucial evolutionary step towards speech.”. Wow. I should post this on /r/todayilearned, right?

Time to take a look at this elaborated Android game, that is like an interactive, audiovisual essay of this scientific fact. Hit the poop!


What a mess!

Funky Monkey

“(You) Bad Monkey” is a lot of fun. I am a huge fan of games, that don’t take themselves, or their genre too seriously. Like – haha – Monkey Island. Bad Monkey is funny, self-ironic and lighthearted, which is seriously the only way to be as an app like this.

In addition to the great sense of humor, the game is surprisingly well done in technical terms. It’s not only carefree, it’s bugfree, runs very smooth and proves that the developers know their stuff – in every aspect. The graphics look great, the color scheme is well-matched and the music plays exactly that kind of tunes, that you would expect from this game. Okay, I would love to hear more steel drums, but that’s maybe a bit too clichéd.


Surprisingly, the gameplay wears thin quite quickly. I don’t know if its the repetitive action of throwing poo at peeps, but I can’t help myself from being a little bored afer a few rounds. Luckily, I know one or two things that could help the game to be more motivating in the long term.

Firstly, I strongly recommend to balance the shop items. The first purchasable item is about 300 coins, which take literally hours to unlock. I guess it’s wiser (and also more profitable) to keep the players motivated with smaller priced items, so that they don’t have to spend hours (or real money) for their first reward. That should be a question of 15 minutes.

Secondly, I would wish for a background story. Even if it’s just a monkey throwing poop, I am 100% sure that this game would be more enjoyable, if we had seen a video at the beginning showing his escape from the zoo, his anatgonist who is sending out caretakers to catch him and a map showing our progress from level to level. For example. Sounds good, doesn’t it?


Our bad monkey is having a bad time.

What we love about “Bad Monkey”

  • Sense of Humor
  • Smooth Gameplay
  • Great Graphics

What we’d like to see in the next update

  • Balanced Items
  • Background Story
  • Intro Video

The Verdict

“You Bad Monkey” is a great, entertaining Android app for gaming sessions of short duration – with the potential to be so much more! Download it here.

All pictures are in-game screenshots.

Frederik Schrader
Fred is the founder and CEO of Daikon Media and has 7+ years experience in the online and gaming business.

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