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Developer “K Jankowski” released the demo version for “Rundone Heroes” and invites us to test this arcade game. The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible. You can currently choose one of three heroes to fight against the slimy monsters and to find keys to receive more weapons and other utensils. If you want to learn more about this game, keep reading.


Retro game design

Fighting in style

I love the game design. It looks like an updated retro style and has so many details (e.g. the poster of a man reminding of Rick or the alien tanks). In the beginning, you can choose between characters, which have individual skills. Since the heroes are in the tanks before fighting, it might hint at many more available characters. I hope so because I like how they are references to already existing characters and am looking forward to see more of them.

I also like the many different weapons. You always start with a pistol, but can soon switch it up after finding some keys. There are a lot of weapons, keeping the game fun and interesting.

The instructions are very well integrated. The main controls are explained in the beginning before you’re confronted with enemies, while new instructions like tapping to collect a key appear when needed and act more like a reminder.

Multitasking Heroes

I am glad that there are those reminders because the gameplay is not very intuitive to me. While you collect gold by running close to it and attracting it like a magnet, you need to tap the little golden keys to receive them. It doesn’t matter if you are near them or not. I thought you need to run to them and the chests to use them at first, which would be more intuitive since the gold is introduced like this earlier.

I also would like to have another little change for the controls. I really would like to influence in which direction the hero is running, which currently only changes when he bounces off somewhere. Since this is still the beta version I also witnessed a little bug that the character doesn’t start walking after my third death in a row. Hence a new round doesn’t start anymore. But I am sure this bug can be fixed easily before the full release.

Even though I like the music, it would be nice to have more options in future. In my opinion, it is very fitting, but it’s always easy to get tired of the same track playing a long time.


Choose your weapon

What we love about “Rundone Heroes”

  • Game design
  • Weapons
  • Instructions

What we’d like to see in the next update

  • More intuitive collecting
  • Influence on walking direction
  • More music

The Verdict

“Rundone Heroes” is a fun shooting game in retro style, which makes me anticipate its full release. If you want to try it yourself, download it here.

All pictures are in-game screenshots.

Claudia Pietschmann
Claudia is a content creator for Daikon Media and dedicated to game reviews.

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