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Undersea Odyssey Review
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Do you want to feel like a hero – showing that you are the best? If so, why don’t you try “Gunfight PvP!” by “Visk Games”? You just need your nerves, your concentration and quick reflexes to win over all your enemies. Keep reading to learn how to be faster than your own shadow.


Be the fastest

First introduction

I have to mention that I tested this game with an early access, so there are still some points, which are open for development, but I can already tell how this game is going to be. I really like the whole game design. The menu looks like a map and you visit different facilities for buying various equipment or accessing the parts of the game like the training or shooting enemies.

Besides the over-all theme and design, I enjoy the details very much as well as the fact that you can create your own avatar by choosing different looks and clothes. And ofcourse you can buy many types of guns to become the fastest cowboy in town.

Under construction

There are still some parts missing but as I said I guess this is due to my early access. Nevertheless, I want to comment on those. Maybe it will be of some kind of help if not only for you to know what to expect.

I always say that I like if the game has some instructions to prepare the player for the actual gameplay. “Gunfight PvP” runs you through a test duell but it just stops to explain what to do in the most crucial moment. Just when you have to shoot, it doesn’t say if you simply have to tap on the gun to pull the trigger or if you have to tap on the opponent as if you would aim at them – both options would be very well-fitting.

I also missed some tension inserting background music as there is none at the moment and I think all games benefit from some kind of music to pull in the gamer.

I’m not sure if this one was on purpose but I’m wishing for a return button within the game since activating your phone’s navigation is just inconvenient. So I hope this could be added as well in the future.


Win with style

What we love about “Gunfight PvP!”

  • Game design
  • Menu
  • Characters

What we’d like to see in the next update

  • More detailed instructions
  • Background music
  • Return button

The Verdict

If you want to battle your friends and show them that you are the best shooter, give “Gunfight PvP!” a try and download it here.

All pictures are in-game screenshots.

Claudia Pietschmann
Claudia is a content creator for Daikon Media and dedicated to game reviews.

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