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Tetris had its peak in 1989, physics games in 2010. Now, in 2017, "Xerologik" brings both worlds together.

If you would ask me, what’s my dream job, I would say, that I am already living the dream. 🙂 Okay, maybe being a Rockstar would be even cooler, or – to avoid the dark side of fame and success – becoming a composer who ain’t got to perform on stage would be the absolute best.

My list of down-to-earth wishes, however, would be quite empty. Some kids dreamt of becoming a vet or a firefighter, but that was definitely nothing for me, although I have great respect for both professions. And then, there are jobs, that appear less and less often on these lists and gain no respect at all: Architects. Engineers, who can’t do math. Guys like Meinhard von Gerkan, who designed the biggest unfinished building of Germany. People, who turned the majesty and elegance of former centuries into coarse brutalism. What a surprise!

Nevertheless, “Xerologik” expects us to enjoy their latest game “Blockitect”, where you slip into the role of an architect who plays with toy blocks. So, basically, the final exam to get a Master’s degree. Well, if need be…

Well Balanced

Different from modern architecture, “Blockitect” is neither a waste of money nor time. The free app comes along with 50 tricky levels, in which you have to (re)arrange building bricks so that you meet all requirements (like not touching a hatched area or touching all yellow dots).

From the first minute, there is enough to puzzle over, so the game never gets boring. The difficulty level and learning curve is just right, so that both riddle rookies and puzzle pros will have fun with this game. Wow, that’s actually the first time that I write this, since 3/4 of all indie games tend to be too difficult. Be sure to remember that! Just right! Just right!

Also, the combination of Tetris and these typical physics games, that were extremely popular around 2010, works perfectly fine.

Out of Time

Yeah, 2010. It was actually not the only time I thought of “Blockitect” as a game that is somehow outdated. The demand for Tetris and physics games is at the lowest level ever, the graphics look neither new nor retro and the controls are oddly unhandy. For example, you can’t simply drag the blocks from the deposit to the wanted position, you first have to hold them for around two seconds – for no logical reason.

I guess a fresher look and some innovative ideas would do wonders for this game, as there is simply nothing wrong with it.

Blockitect Gameplay

Failing to come down the stretch

What we love about “Blockitect”

  • Many Levels
  • Perfectly Balanced
  • Tetris flavor

What we’d like to see in the next update

  • Fresher Graphics
  • Easier Controls
  • More Innovation

The Verdict

“Blockitect” is a solid indie game with many great levels, that will please a lot of puzzle fans. Download the game here.

All pictures are in-game screenshots.

Frederik Schrader
Frederik Schrader
Fred is the founder and CEO of Daikon Media and has 13+ years experience in the online and gaming business.

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