Word Bobble
Word Bobble Review
4. August 2019
Doge Racer Review
9. August 2019
Word Bobble
Word Bobble Review
4. August 2019
Doge Racer Review
9. August 2019

Okay, let’s be honest with each other, shall we? It is damn hard to stick to all of the resolutions plans: Eating healthy and fresh food, drinking at least 2.5 liters of water a day, cutting back on sweets, no alcohol, no smoking, being in nature more, keeping great posture, socializing with friends, having a great work-life-balance and a fulfilling career, getting at least 10.000 steps daily, having healthy sleeping patterns as well as going to the gym regularly. If you manage to to this, you have my utmost respect. While I’m fairing quite well with a lot of the things said above, I fail the the gym resolution often. That is why, today’s app comes in handy: It is a workout app, that helps you stay fit- wherever you are and whenever you want. At great step to make daily life easier. Let us find out more!

321FIT Screenshot

Up and down, up and down only using a chair.

Helpful workout tool

“321FIT” by Matthew Burton is a customizable workout app. It is designed like music player, but instead of playlists and songs, you have workouts available to choose from. And like in a music app, it shows you how much time has passed- and is still missing. It even calculates the time the whole workout will be finished (called ETA)- this way you know, if you are still on time for your other appointments and can plan accordingly.

The retro optics (and sounds) are a bonus to this great design. You even get to customize the saturation and color and add “scanlines” to the look of the app.

Lastly, the cherry on top so to speak, is the smooth performance. The app runs without any hiccups or crashes and responds fast to commands.

Small flaws without major concerns

Besides the plus sides I’ve just written about, there are some things I’d like to suggest to make this app even better. Firstly, I’d like to see some explanations added. While a lot of the exercises are self-explanatory or easy to understand with the help of the animated stick-figures, it wasn’t as clear with some of them. A short info would therefore help.

Additionally, I think the app would benefit from some safety instructions, just to be on the safe side. Advice like “Don’t bend you knee over your toes!” etc. would be great to prevent injuries.

Ultimately, I suggest updating the links to Instagram and the Play Store rating. I could reach neither of them unfortunately.

321FIT Gameplay

I feelexhausted already just by looking at it ^^’

What we love about “321FIT”

  • Retro Music Player Design
  • Customization options
  • Smooth Performance

What we’d like to see in the next update

  • Short explanations
  • Safety instructions
  • Working links

The Verdict

If you want to get fitter or just want to try out if this kind of sport is your cup of tea, I’d suggest trying the app and download it here!

All pictures are in-game screenshots.

Susann Schrader
Susann is the founder and CEO of Daikon Media and a passionate mobile gaming expert.

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