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Mosaic Ball is a very interesting combination of an arcade shooter and a puzzle game.

It’s time for another review! Today, I’ll take a look at a true indie game and, to top it all off, the very first game by Majiho Games.

Mosaic Ball is an old school retro puzzle game with pixel art graphics, but a fresh and unique game idea. Off we go!

Mosaic Ball Gameplay

A game with a friendly smile

More than Meets the Eye

At first sight, you might expect a Breakout clone or a remake of another arcade classic, but you’re miles out. “Mosaic Ball” comes along with an untapped yet easy explained game idea : To complete each mosaic picture (like the smiley face above), you have to guess which color hides behind the pixel with the blinking question mark. The decision is made with your cannon by shooting a ball to the matching color above. Got it? If not, watch the tutorial… if there was one…

It’s what’s inside that counts

Although the game wants to look retro, it counteracts its intention with mismatching transparency effects, gradients, and colors. This leads to an inconsistent style, sharing the fate with games like Bounce Balls, that are also neither fish nor fowl.

It is, however, more important what’s on the inside. And the unique game idea leads to an interesting gameplay that exceeds all expectations. Moreover, it’s not just a game that demands your concentration and dexterity. With every move, you have to decide what to do, to think of the needed color. Therefore, it’s more a puzzle game than an arcade shooter.

Mosaic Ball Screenshot

Make your own chess board

What we love about “Mosaic Ball”

  • Fresh Game Idea
  • Interesting Gameplay
  • Retro Reminiscence

What we’d like to see in “Mosaic Ball 2”

  • Backdated Graphics
  • Consistent Retro Style
  • A Tutorial

Take A Look Inside

Although the (inconsistent) retro style might scare some users away, please don’t judge this book by its cover. Mosaic Ball is a very interesting game, that you should download for free here.

All pictures are in-game screenshots.

Frederik Schrader
Fred is the founder and CEO of Daikon Media and has 7+ years experience in the online and gaming business.

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