Amazing Driver Review
19. February 2018
Undoomed Review
21. February 2018
In a galaxy far, far away... there is a new game to play!
Did you like to play Domino or Tetris when you were younger? It seems like Mauricio Felippe combined the idea of those two games, upgraded it to 3D and developed a galaxy arcade game called “Cosmic Horizon”. All men on board the spaceship, let’s check it out!
Coherent Gaming
This 3D puzzle game literally sucks you into another world as you are trying to combine the different triangles and match their dots. Every time you put three next to or over each other, so that the dots can connect, they will disappear and give you more space for new tiles. The graphics and music support each other very well and impressed me especially, as they are very fitting.
Of course, this game also needs some support using advertisement since it is free, even though you can buy a full version as well. But I liked how the advertisement was implemented into the game: Every time you level up and saw your score, there will be “a message from the sponsor” which is the advertisement. In this way, the ads never felt like interrupting the actual gameplay to me.
Just a little confusion
As mentioned above, you can also buy a full version. Another way to unlock the content is to watch more advertising video clips to earn coins. But the coins are not displayed anywhere. Furthermore, the locked worlds are only available once then. I would prefer to work harder to collect coins, but then keep the once unlocked worlds accessible forever or at least for a longer time. I just found this a little bit confusing.
I’m not sure if this was a problem of my phone, but it felt like the controls were not reacting as fast as in the beginning when I kept playing for longer. As you use only one hand and three motions (tap, hold and swipe), it felt like the touchscreen slightly didn’t work as sensitive as in the beginning. Or maybe that was just me thinking to hurry up to get to the next level.

What is your Zodiac Sign?
- Design
- Levels
- Input of Advertisement
- Overview of coins
- Keeping unlocked worlds accessible
- More sensitive controls
The Verdict
“Cosmic Horizon” is a colorful and dynamic game, which will make you believe you are in the galaxy solving puzzles. If you want to start your own cosmic journey, download the game here.
All pictures are in-game screenshots.