The Art of Digital Content
12. March 2021
The Art of Digital Content
12. March 2021

I’m super excited to jump back into the world of game reviews, and it feels great to be at it again, thanks to the support of MyHub Intranet! After sponsoring over 200 reviews, they’ve given me the green light to keep the fun rolling, and I’m hoping for at least 200 more. So, what better way to dive back in than with a game that’s all about clever thinking, pixel-perfect jumps, and just the right dose of nostalgia?

Meet Super Cave Boy by TeamCREA—a challenging, brain-bending platforming puzzler that will have you plotting your every move as you navigate through tricky dungeon stages. You’ll be wielding everything from hookshots to explosives, all while trying to figure out how to make the most of your limited actions to clear each room. It’s a throwback to classic platformers, but with a modern twist that keeps you on your toes. Now, let’s see how this game stacks up in the key areas!

Graphics: A Nostalgic 8-Bit Delight with Modern Flair

Let’s talk visuals. Super Cave Boy has really nailed that retro 8-bit aesthetic. The animations are so smooth, you’d think they were buttered up before hitting the screen. The pixel art is wonderfully cohesive, bringing back that classic, nostalgic vibe, but with a modern touch that feels fresh and exciting. It’s clear that TeamCREA put a lot of love into making every sprite, tile, and animation flow seamlessly.

Now, I’ll admit, there was a tiny tear in my eye when I realized I couldn’t run the game at my glorious native 3440 x 1440 resolution. But hey, Full HD is fine too… I guess. 😉 It does bring out that old-school charm, after all! Personally, I’m more of a 16-bit VGA retro-era fan—something about those extra colors just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. But I can appreciate that TeamCREA went the extra mile by taking an extra step back in time to breathe new life into the 8-bit style. It’s a bold choice, and they totally pulled it off!

Sounds: Chiptune Charm with a Few Minor Bumps

Let’s talk audio—Super Cave Boy absolutely nails it in the sound effects department. From the chirping crickets you can hear outside right down to every little toggle, button, and rock you interact with—every sound hits the nail on the head.

That said, there were a couple of sound effects that felt a bit… off. Like, when you die in the game, the sound is a bit jarring, almost like someone just smashed a glass vase over your head. Just a minor note, though; it doesn’t take away from the overall experience.

And then there’s the music. Oh man, Super Cave Boy delivers some catchy 8-bit chiptune goodness that fits the gameplay perfectly. It’s upbeat, quirky, and has that retro vibe you’d hope for in a platformer like this. However, I wouldn’t say it reaches the mesmerizing heights of other iconic soundtracks, like the one from VVVVVV. What Magnus Pålsson did for that game was pure magic, and one of those tracks even made it into my personal top 100 songs of all time (no joke, check it out here). So while Super Cave Boy might not be on that level of sheer musical enchantment, it still holds its own and adds plenty of charm to the overall experience.

Gameplay: Strategic Puzzles and Thoughtful Mechanics

Let’s get into the core of what makes Super Cave Boy tick—gameplay! First off, props to TeamCREA for giving players both controller and keyboard options. It’s a must for any platformer these days, and the fact that you can adjust the input settings is even better. You’ll definitely want to tweak them, especially since the default jump button isn’t the space bar (seriously, who thought that was okay? That should be a crime against humanity, haha).

One thing I really appreciated was the smooth and helpful walkthrough that eases you into the game’s mechanics. It’s clear, concise, and gets you up to speed without holding your hand too much. However, be warned—there are a few brutal difficulty spikes, particularly around stage 13 (aka “button-mania”), which led to my first rage quit. 🙈 But if you’re into a real challenge, this will just make those victories feel even sweeter.

Now, the main feature that makes Super Cave Boy so addictive is its limited actions mechanic. You can’t just bounce around the stage and hope for the best; you have to think strategically and plan every step. It’s almost like a brainteaser—what’s the most efficient way to use your limited moves to reach the goal? This thoughtful design makes every stage feel like a mastermind game, which I absolutely love. It brought back memories of the classic Lemmings, where you had to plan ahead and make the most out of every tool at your disposal. That kind of gameplay never gets old, and Super Cave Boy executes it brilliantly.

Story: A Minimalist Narrative with a Snarky Twist

Now, let’s talk story… or rather, the absence of one. Super Cave Boy doesn’t put much emphasis on the plot, and that’s perfectly okay. You play as a determined adventurer maneuvering through a puzzle-filled cave, and there’s not much more to it than that. But here’s the twist—while the game doesn’t have an elaborate narrative, the presence of those snarky information signs scattered throughout every stage makes it feel like you’re up against a resentful, sadistic game master who’s watching your every move. It’s almost as if the game itself is taunting you, and honestly, that adds a surprising layer of fun and depth to the experience.

There’s something quite Portal-esque about it. Solving puzzles under the watchful (and slightly malevolent) eye of an unseen entity? Yeah, that rings a bell. Considering that Portal is (quite officially, as per IGN) one of the best games of all time, this approach was definitely a smart move. It adds a touch of humor and makes you feel like you’re not just solving puzzles, but actively outsmarting someone who’s rooting for you to fail.

As for our protagonist, Super Cave Boy himself? He’s a fun character, giving off some serious Commander Keen vibes (minus the helmet). However, the character doesn’t add a unique touch to the gameplay—he’s more of a blank slate, letting the puzzles and gameplay mechanics shine. And you know what? That’s totally fine. Not every game needs a hero with a grand backstory. Sometimes, all you need is a plucky cave explorer and a bit of wit to keep things rolling.

Performance: A Smooth Ride Through the Cave

If there’s one thing Super Cave Boy absolutely nails, it’s performance. The game runs incredibly smooth—no crashes, no bugs, no annoying lag spikes. Everything loads up fast and fluid, making each gameplay session a real pleasure. Honestly, it’s almost rare these days to find a game that’s this polished right out of the gate, so this is a definite 5-star rating for me.

I did a double-take when I read on the Steam discussion page that someone played a buggy version of this game. I mean, seriously? Were they playing some kind of bootleg edition from an alternate universe? Because I sure didn’t see any of that. Maybe they slipped into a glitchy dimension for a bit. Who knows? All I can say is, my experience with Super Cave Boy was as smooth as it gets, and I’m here for it! 🏆

Content: A Teaser of Abundant Fun

Since Super Cave Boy hasn’t officially launched yet, I could only dive into the demo, so I can’t say for sure how much content the full game will pack. But if I had to make a prediction based on what I’ve played, I’d say we’re in for a treat. There’s a fantastic sense of humor sprinkled throughout, plenty of challenging puzzles, and varied, well-thought-out levels that keep you on your toes. Honestly, if the demo is anything to go by, the full game is bound to be jam-packed with content, and I can’t imagine anyone feeling short-changed.

The best part? Even the demo felt like a full-fledged indie game. It was polished, engaging, and left me wanting more. So, if you’re on the fence about buying the full release, rest assured—content is the last thing you need to worry about (actually, there’s nothing to worry about, but let’s just say content is definitely the last thing on the list!).

Creativity: A Unique Blend of Influences

If you’re concerned that Super Cave Boy might simply be Commander Keen set in a Portal-like environment with Lemmings gameplay and a VVVVVV-soundsphere think again! This game stands on its own, offering a fresh experience rather than just being “new wine in old wineskins.” Even if it were merely a mix of inspirations from the games mentioned, the concept is exciting in its own right, bringing together elements we’ve never seen combined before.

What truly sets Super Cave Boy apart is its originality. You won’t find yourself scrolling through your Steam library and forgetting what this game is about. Its distinctive gameplay and vibrant world ensure that it leaves a lasting impression. And that’s precisely what makes it worth your attention!

UI/UX: Seamless Interface for an Immersive Experience

Let’s dive into the user interface and experience in Super Cave Boy! Right from the start, the game welcomes you with an intuitive interface and straightforward settings. What really stands out is the onboarding process. Instead of overwhelming players with all the controls at once, the game introduces them gradually as you progress. It’s like a well-paced dance, making it the perfect way to ease into the action!

The controls are always visible on the HUD, which is a stroke of genius. Even if you forgot to assign “jump” to the space bar (which you’ll do anyway, but let’s just say you forgot it for whatever reason, which you won’t.), you won’t be left guessing. There’s no need to pause the fun to dive back into the settings menu.

In short, the interface in Super Cave Boy is on point and with the right controls at your fingertips, every leap, dash, and slide becomes even more exhilarating!

Replayability: Get through or die tryin’!

Let’s talk replayability, shall we? Now, I wouldn’t exactly say Super Cave Boy is a game that actively encourages multiple playthroughs. But honestly, it doesn’t need to! Why? Because the challenge is so delightfully punishing that you’ll find yourself revisiting each level more times than you can count—whether you want to or not! 😅 After just half an hour of play, I racked up a jaw-dropping 64 deaths. So, yeah, you get the picture!

What’s fantastic is that this isn’t just a game you master and put away. No way! It’s one of those titles you’ll find yourself coming back to every now and then, even after conquering every single level. I mean, really, who out there has played Portal just once? Or VVVVVV for that matter? Not a soul! And you can expect the same from Super Cave Boy. With its relentless puzzles and quirky charm, it’s destined to keep you entertained long after you’ve “beaten” it. Get ready to embrace the glorious cycle of dying, learning, and retrying! 🎮

Immersion: Get Lost in the Captivating World

Super Cave Boy does an exceptional job of pulling you into its world. You won’t want to let go—you’ll be glued to your screen (unless you decide to rage-quit, of course, ahem). The gameplay itself is a major factor in keeping you engaged and immersed. If you had endless actions and could solve puzzles by mere accident, it just wouldn’t keep you on the edge of your seat. But this game? It’s captivating by nature—quote me on that!

And here’s the best part: no annoying distractions. Seriously, this game doesn’t come with any ads, pop-ups, junk, or pesky DLCs to sap your enjoyment. It’s pure, unadulterated gaming at its finest—an escape from reality and not just another financial transaction. In a world filled with microtransactions and gimmicks, Super Cave Boy stands tall as a game in its truest form. So, dive in, enjoy the ride, and relish every moment in this wonderfully immersive experience! 🎮✨

A Fantastic Rating for an Unforgettable Experience!

After weighing all the points together, Super Cave Boy earns an impressive rating of 44/50 points—and honestly, that’s truly fantastic! I did my best to find areas for improvement to justify my existence as a game critic, but it turns out the game tied my hands. It’s brilliant in so many ways!

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download the game on Steam here. Mark your calendars for the release date on November 6th—you won’t want to miss out. Until next time, happy gaming! Fred out. 🎉🚀

Frederik Schrader
Frederik Schrader
Fred is the founder and CEO of Daikon Media and has 13+ years experience in the online and gaming business.

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