Idea Sharing Infographic
🇬🇧 Infographic: “Idea Sharing”
8. April 2022
Employee Profiles Infographic
🇬🇧 Infographic: “Employee Profiles”
21. April 2022
Employee Profiles Infographic
🇬🇧 Infographic: “Employee Profiles”
21. April 2022
Idea Sharing Infographic
🇬🇧 Infographic: “Idea Sharing”
8. April 2022

Approval Forms: Automate Your Forms With An Intranet

This infographic visualizes an article of our partner site "MyHub Intranet Solutions". 

"Approval processes make up a large chunk of operations in every business – from purchase orders through to vacation requests or expenses claims. And so it’s a great place to start when exploring the efficiencies and savings to be gained in your company from automating business processes.

In this post, we look in detail at how exactly automated approval forms processes would work on an intranet before we then go on to look specifically at the efficiencies to be gained from doing so. You can also find out how to create your own digital form and workflow the quickest and easiest way here."

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